A mission and values statement of any organization, including local government, is a lighthouse that guides the organization’s path. It reminds us why we choose to be part of the team, reflects the best in us as well as our community, and creates a lens through which all that we do is driven. As unique individuals with talents, skills, experiences, and perspectives, we represent our community in everything we do. We are all a part of this community; we have families, friends, hobbies, skills and gifts to share with the world. While we each have a job to do, our job does not define us. Each task is simply part of a greater mission and reflects what and who we value most.
It is with this in mind that we respectfully ask every City staff member to participate in a survey which will help us define a renewed mission for the City of Alpena government and the values that reinforce who we are.
We want to hear from all of you! Everyone’s perspective matters. You are what makes local city government thrive.
We have purposely left the questions open-ended so we can truly understand what matters most to you. Below are the basics of what defines a mission and values; keep these in mind as you answer the questions.
Thank you for taking the time to share and for being a valued member of our team.
The mission statement is typically defined as the reason the local government exists. The mission statement communicates the purpose of the local government to residents, staff, and other key stakeholders. The mission statement clearly states what your local government does, why you provide those services, and for whom.
Values are reflected in the foundations, policy decisions, and actions taken by the governing body; they are a tool to build organizational culture and should communicate to the public what is important when making decisions. The values or values statement express the behavioral expectations in the day-to-day operations of the local government, whereas the mission communicates the objectives of the local government.

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* 1. In your opinion, what is the mission of the City of Alpena?

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* 2. In your opinion, what should the City's values be?

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* 3. What priorities do you think the City should have that would be a reflection of its mission and values?