
A key part of AgForce’s purpose is to identify current and new issues that affect our members, develop solutions to them that work to our industry’s advantage, and then advocate to decision-makers to adopt those solutions.
The AgForce Board regularly revisits the range of cross-commodity issues we work on to ensure our dedicated volunteers and staff remain working on those issues that have the greatest impact on our members, where we can expect to get a result for our efforts, and that we can put enough time and effort behind. Our Commodity Boards look after commodity-specific issues and will also be revisiting their priorities over coming months.

The current priority cross-commodity areas identified for 2021 and 2022 were:
A.      Natural resources – management, use and regulation
B.      Business profitability and risk management, including climate
C.      Biosecurity – managing pest, weed and disease risks
D.      Workforce and labour – supply, skilling, and safety
E.      Transport – efficient supply chains that reduce costs
F.      Water planning, supply, and security.

Understanding our member’s views is a vitally important step in that review process and this survey is part of collecting those views to inform the Board’s decisions.

The survey will ask a few questions about you, and what types of issues you think have the greatest impact, or hold the most opportunity. You will have an option to add more detail on specific changes or solutions you would like to see AgForce work on.

Please complete the survey by Monday 7 November 2022.

Your responses will be treated in confidence by AgForce.

Thank you for giving your time and thoughts! – it is greatly appreciated and will help us ensure we can continue to return the greatest value for your membership and support.