Please submit your written comments using this survey.

If you need assistance with this survey, please contact email

HERC publishes advance meeting materials for comment six weeks before a public meeting. Any comments received through this survey will be reviewed by HERC staff and included in meeting materials for review by Commissioners and subcommittee members. Public comments help HERC learn more about community needs and perspectives to inform its deliberations about coverage recommendations. Making meeting materials available six weeks in advance supports the agency’s goals to eliminate health inequities and ensure that covered services are appropriate for the populations affected by its decisions.

Submitted comments are public records
Submitted comments will be posted on the website. Please consider this as you prepare your written comments, especially if you include personal or medical information about yourself. Meeting recordings and written comments are subject to public records requests. If a public records request is made, your complete comment will be released including your name and any health information provided. Only contact information would be withheld. For more detail about verbal comment policy visit How to Participate page.

Only complete submissions can be accepted. Please make sure to click “Submit” on the below to ensure we receive your comments.

Question Title

* 1. Your first and last name (please include credentials, if applicable)

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your email address.

Question Title

* 3. Please provide a phone number we can reach you for any questions or clarifications. Note: business lines may be subject to public disclosure; personal phone numbers are not subject to disclosure.

Question Title

* 4. I am an Oregon Health Plan member or a caregiver/family member for a member.

Question Title

* 5. I am an OHP provider.

Question Title

* 6. I am a resident of Oregon.

Question Title

* 7. Date and name of the meeting or meetings for which you wish to provide written testimony:

Question Title

* 8. Topic you wish to testify about.

Question Title

* 9. I have read the Commission's public comment policies.

Question Title

* 10. Please add your testimony to the comment box. Per the Commission's policy, 1,000 words are accepted. Any text beyond the 1,000-word limit will be shortened to meet the word limit.

Question Title

* 11. Please enter citations and references, if applicable. These do not count toward the 1,000-word limit. 

Question Title

* 12. You may attach journal articles or other supporting materials. They must be attached in PDF (preferred) or Microsoft Word formats.  These supporting materials will not be provided to commissioners but will be reviewed by staff. Please do not attach your public comments here. Public comments attached here will not be read.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 13. I am finished submitting comments. I understand I must select "yes" for my comments to be accepted.

Please post my comment on the website and share with members.