REGISTRATION FORMWebinar Series: Communities Aiming to Strengthen Adult Education As partners in place-based, cross-sector efforts to improve educational and life outcomes for families, we know that issues related to adult education are of great importance to you and your community. On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement‘s (OII) Place Based Initiatives (PBI) Pilot Team and Jobs for the Future, you and your colleagues are invited to participate in two upcoming webinars about adult education issues.To register for the webinars, please complete the form below: Question Title * 1. Please provide your contact information below: Name: Title: Organization: Email Address: Question Title * 2. Which place based effort(s) are you affiliated with? (Check all that apply.) Full Service Community School Promise Neighborhoods Promise Zones Choice Neighborhoods Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Strong Cities Strong Communities Building Neighborhood Capacity Program Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Click on the box next to the webinar title to register for that webinar. If you are registering for both webinars, be sure that both boxes are checked. Webinar Title: Trends and Best Practices in Adult Literacy Programs Date: Monday, March 21, 2016Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm (ET); 12:00 – 1:00 pm (CT); 11:00 – 12:00 pm (MT); 10:00 – 11:00 pm (PST)Will provide an overview of the landscape of adult education, what we know about the population and the challenges they face, and strategies that are making a difference. will provide an overview of the landscape of the adult literacy field, such as shifts in policy and strategies for delivery, and an overview of place-based strategies for addressing adult literacy. Even as the national landscape changes, communities are seeing adult literacy as a community problem, not an individual issue that requires community solutions. Rachel Pleasants McDonnell, a Senior Program Manager from Jobs for the Future, and Silja Kallenbach, Vice President US Division from World Ed will provide the overview. The webinar will also feature the work in Philadelphia as an exemplar of community based strategies to improve the system for delivering adult literacy and also to improve literacy outcomes for residents. Leaders from the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy, H. Naomie Nyanungo and Jennifer Kobrin, will describe their work, the design, structure, and impact. Webinar Title: Educating for Work: Building Employability Skills for Adult LearnersDate: Monday, March 28, 2016Time: 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (EST); 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. (CST); 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. (MST); 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 pm (PST) Will provide an overview of 21st century skills and strategies for effectively building employability skills for adult learners. For many Americans, adult education programs are the gateway to advanced learning and employment. A part of the ever- expanding role of adult education programs is to build employability “soft skills” for adult learners to help ensure their success in the workforce. Often, though, providers are better equipped to address academic skills than employability. Many providers struggle to (a) identify the skills that are most important to employers and (b) deliver education and training for employability skills in an effective and impactful way. This webinar will provide some guidance on these questions and resources to support your ongoing efforts. Mary Wright, a Senior Program Director from the Jobs for the Future, will be the presenter for this webinar. Ms. Wright has decades of experience working with employers and providers to develop programs for education and training that prepare adult learners for the 21st Century workforce. She is currently the project manager for a contract with the Department of Education to promote the importance of employability skills to employers and other stakeholders in the education to employment pipeline. Question Title * 4. If you would like to submit questions to the presenters in advance of the webinars, please enter them below: Trends and Best Practices in Adult Literacy Programs Educating for Work: Building Employability Skills for Adult Learners Done