Reviewing the Regulatory Arrangements

Thank you for your interest in our proposals to review and revise the Regulatory Arrangements and the Accounts Code.

You can read the full consultation document here if you wish or you can simply answer the questions below. 

Question Title

* 1. The Council for Licensed Conveyancer’s (CLC) intent in reviewing its Regulatory Arrangements is to provide:

  • Greater flexibility- for CLC Lawyers so that they can compete, innovate and grow; 
  • Greater Clarity -for CLC Lawyers and Consumers to help both parties understand what is to be expected of a  CLC regulated professional;
  • Appropriate levels of consumer protection-to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place if things go wrong;
  • Reduction of unnecessary burdens and costs for regulated practices.

Do you agree with the principles that will inform the approach to the review of the regulatory arrangements?

  Agree Disagree I don't know
Appropriate levels of consumer protection
Greater flexibility
Greater clarity
Reduction of regulatory burden

Question Title

* 2. As part of its wider review of the CLC Handbook, the CLC is also proposing to change the overall layout of the Handbook for the sake of clarity and thus compliance. The regulatory arrangements will be grouped under six headings which will reflect the main regulatory issues faced by CLC Lawyers and Practices.
The proposed headings are as follows:-

  • Standards of Service- sets out the standard of service expected of CLC Lawyers and practices, taking into account the individual needs and circumstances of each client.
  • Information Security- denotes the CLC’s expectations in relation to the handling and safeguarding of confidential information.
  • Cooperation & Accountability- co-operation in particular with the CLC and Legal Ombudsman and sets out the ways in which CLC Lawyers and Practices are held accountable to the CLC, consumers and the wider public.
  • Independence & Integrity-concerns the professional obligations and conduct requirements for CLC Lawyers and Practices in their dealings with other lawyers, as well as with their clients.
  • Money Laundering and Fraud- the CLC’s expectations in relation to the prevention, detection and reporting of money laundering and fraud.
  • Business Compliance- how Practices and staff need to be managed and supervised including the compliance controls Practices must have in place to comply with their regulatory obligations.

Do you agree with the proposed new layout and structure of the CLC Handbook?