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Completing this survey should take between 2 and 5 minutes.

Your answers will help to produce the latest Salary and Benefits Insights report for 2024 for the North West. Your name and personal details will not be shared with anyone. All answers used in the survey will be anonymous and participants will receive a copy of the completed report if requested.

We really appreciate you taking time to be involved with this survey. Collecting this type of feedback helps the industry to understand what is really important to their employees. It also helps participants to measure what they currently receive versus the wider market.

Thanks for taking part.

Patrick Bell
Group MD - Genesis

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* 1. What is your full name? This will not be shared with anyone

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* 2. What is your email address? (to share a copy of the survey results with)

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* 3. Where in the North West are you based?

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* 4. What area of accounting would best describe what you work in?

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* 5. Do you focus on a specific industry(s)?

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* 6. How many years of experience in accountancy and your area of specialisation do you have?

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* 7. What would best describe your experience level? Select one option.

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* 8. What size of firm would best describe your employer? Select one option.

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* 9. What is your basic salary range? Give answer or pick from options (basic plus bonuses) Select one option.

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* 10. Question: Does your earnings include bonuses?

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* 11. What benefits do you get – tick the options that apply to you.

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* 12. Question: Flexible working – On average how many days do you work from home each week?

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* 13. Flexible hours – Does your employer offer flexible working hours? i.e. you start time and leave times are flexible to suit your circumstances

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* 14. How satisfied are you with your flexible or hybrid working arrangements are you?

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* 15. How satisfied are you with the benefits your current employer offers?

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* 16. How confident are you that you know what salaries and benefits are being offered by other employers in your area?

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* 17. Do you feel you are paid well for your skills and experience in comparison to other employers out there?

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* 18. How confident do you feel about your current employer's performance going forward and its ability to meet the challenges of recruiting and retaining the right people?

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* 19. If you were motivated to make a move in the future, what would be your biggest driver? Pick top 3

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* 20. Any other comments?

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* 21. Would you like to receive a copy of the Salary and Benefits 2024 Insights report when completed?

0 of 21 answered