Arizona Together for Impact uses the term “Sustained Collaboration” to capture a broad continuum of long-term, organizational collaborations that represent a fundamental change to the business model of two or more partnering nonprofits. These can include: back office consolidation (by contract or agreement, or by creation of a new organization), programmatic joint venture, merger (fully integrated, or with separate corporate structure) alliance or acquisition.

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* 1. Do you identify as:

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* 2. Are you familiar with the work of the Arizona Together for Impact Fund?

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* 3. If yes, please indicate all the applicable ways you have encountered the initiative.

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* 4. To what extent do you agree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
My organization regularly (e.g. annually) considers sustained collaboration as an option to enhance and sustain mission impact
My Board members perceive sustained collaborations as a strategic option to enhance and sustain mission impact
I am comfortable discussing sustained collaboration opportunities with my Board
Philanthropies/foundations are open to sustained collaboration funding and provide adequate resources for the work

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* 5. What suggestions do you have for improving the impact, effectiveness or awareness of the Together for Impact initiative? (200 word limit)

If you would like to learn more about Arizona Together for Impact, please use the link below to schedule a conversation with our Director.

Thank you!