Survey for Advocates and Service Providers

Arizona Legal Steering Committee of the Arizona Bar Foundation (ALSC) seeks your input to increase their ability to meet the civil legal needs of Arizona's lower income residents.

The ALSC, administered through the Arizona Bar Foundation, and chaired by Hon. Joseph Kreamer, consists of Community Legal Services, DNA People's Legal Services, and Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc., the three Arizona Legal Services entities designated by the national Legal Service Corporation (LSC), as well as their Volunteer Lawyer Programs, and William E. Morris Institute for Justice. The ALSC works collaboratively toward a seamless system of services across the state to increase equal access to justice for all Arizonans. The purpose of this assessment is to gather information that will assist in building awareness of Arizona’s low-income populations, their unmet legal needs, and gaps in program services and to establish case priorities for the use of legal aid resources.

Please complete this survey to assist in improving civil legal services in Arizona. If you have client-eligible or community members interested in providing feedback, please encourage them to complete the Community Survey at!

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* 1. Which of the following best describes you?

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* 2. Where do you work?

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* 3. In the last two years, have you seen, at work or in your community, lower-income people with any problems or issues in the following areas? Select all that apply.

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* 4. Rank how urgent the need for civil legal help is for the following problem areas based on current community needs:

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* 5. How often do you see people with the most urgent need above?

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* 6. Do you believe there is a reliable source of information or assistance in your community to help lower-income people resolve civil legal problems?

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* 7. How effective are existing self-help materials for these legal areas?

  Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective Not so effective Not at all effective or don't exist I don't know
Money or debt
Health and mental health
Income supports
Native American, Native, or Indigenous Rights
End-of-life planning
Incarceration and reentry
Victim of crime
Unfairness by government officials

Question Title

* 8. How effective is legal help (advice and representation) for these legal areas?

  Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective Not so effective Not at all effective or don't exist I don't know
Money or debt
Health and mental health
Income supports
Native American, Native, or Indigenous Rights
End-of-life planning
Incarceration and reentry
Victim of crime
Unfairness by government officials

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* 9. Do people experiencing these kinds of problems get information, advice, or representation from any person or organization to help them understand or resolve the problem? Select all that apply.

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* 10. Are there adequate services available to meet community civil legal needs?

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* 11. What are the most pressing civil legal needs in your community? Why are they important?

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* 12. Are there groups of people that you're worried require extra assistance accessing services (speakers of specific languages, individuals with disabilities, distinct cultures, the LGBTQ+ community, seniors, or others)?

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* 13. What is your experience with legal service providers as part of the solution to community civil legal needs?

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* 14. What should civil legal service providers change or improve?

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* 15. What else needs to change for community civil legal needs to be addressed?

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* 16. Where are the biggest gaps or unmet civil legal needs? What is missing? Are there problem areas where you wish there was more or better help? Please describe.

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* 17. Do you have any other feedback?

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* 18. If you or your organization would be interested in collaborating with us, please provide your contact information.

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* 19. Are you a licensed attorney in Arizona or any of the Native nations that share geography with Arizona?