AYC Magazine Feedback

Hey there! 
Thank you so much for reading our first copy of the AYC magazine. Your feedback allows us to know whether these resources are helpful, if we should make another and what topics you want covered next!
1.Which Local Government Area (LGA) do you live in? 
2.What is your age?
3.How would you rate your sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge?
Not sure
4.Do you feel comfortable talking about SRH with others?
5.What are the barriers to accessing SRH information? For example, not discussed in school, stigma around SRH, don't know where to find information, lack of services in Gippsland
6.How do you rate the AYC magazine?
Not Sure
7.What did you like most about the AYC magazine? For example the glossary, topic on breast screening, a resource dedicated to SRH
8.Would you like the AYC magazine to continue in the future? 
9.If yes, what topics would you like covered next?
10.Any last comments?
11.Want to chat more or get involved? Please provide your email address