Interest Form Introduction

Alamance Youth Connected (AYC) is an initiative designed to reduce teen pregnancy, birth, and STI rates in Alamance County by 5% by 2023 by engaging the community, schools, parents, healthcare providers, and young people in a systems-thinking approach to improving health. The newly launched three-year initiative will provide support to the community through June 2023.

The Alamance Youth Connected Community Advisory Group (CAG) is a network comprised of local members and leaders of the community, parents/caregivers, organizations, and other stakeholders who will:
• Help to guide, inform, and champion the work and strategies of the Alamance Youth Connected (AYC) Initiative in the community, which focus on reducing pregnancy, birth, and STI rates amongst youth ages 15-19.
• Help to identify, recruit, and connect organizations, stakeholders, and parents/caregivers to the AYC initiative.
• Provide suggestions and help recruit organizations as evidence-based program implementation sites.
• Utilize systems-thinking approaches to identify structures, policies, procedures, and patterns that make it harder for young people to access educational programs and health care services
• Map existing assets and resources that support overall teen health.
• Collaborate with SHIFT NC to develop, implement, and sustain a system-wide plan that supports a community-wide infrastructure of programs and services that dismantle barriers to and foster overall health of young people and their families.

This working committee will have meetings in a workshop format designed to encourage meaningful opportunities for information exchange between the CAG and SHIFT NC staff. CAG meetings will occur at least monthly every project year from July to June. For this current project year (July 2020-June 2021), two CAG meetings per month are anticipated between October 2020 and June 2021. Due to current COVID-19 social distancing and safety guidelines, all CAG meetings will occur virtually during regular business hours. In-person meetings at a venue in Alamance County will resume when it is safe to do so.

Community Advisory Group members are required to:
• Sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) that outlines the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of CAG members
•Guide, inform, and champion the work and strategies of the AYC Initiative
• Attend at least 75% of the meetings each year
• Actively participate in all CAG activities
• Actively participate in trainings such as:
             - Systems-Thinking
             - Reproductive Justice
             - Health Equity
             - Others as needs arise
• Complete an annual CAG member experience survey

The Alamance Youth Connected Community Advisory Group members are selected in a fair and open process. Completing this form does not guarantee a position on the CAG. CAG members will be selected to ensure representation of the community and a balance in expertise across various sectors needed for the advisory group. CAG membership is on a rolling basis and interest forms will be reviewed periodically.

If you're interested in joining the CAG, please complete this form. Please note, the names of CAG members and organizations are listed on the Alamance Youth Connected Facebook Page and reporting documents. Personal information will not be posted.

Question Title

* 1. I understand all of the requirements (listed above) of a CAG member. If I am selected to join the CAG, I understand that I am making a commitment to attend at least 75% of all CAG meetings and participate in the activities and efforts of the CAG. If I cannot fulfill this commitment to the CAG, I will be replaced so that the CAG can benefit from the input from another community representative. I understand that CAG membership will be dependent upon the number of CAG membership applications received, and that membership will be limited to balance representation from various sectors within the community, while maintaining an effective working group size.