AWSP Inclusionary Practices 2019-2020
What does inclusion mean to you in your context?
What are you currently implementing in your context and what would you like to implement for 2020-21 regarding instructional setting?
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice
All students who are assigned to your school area are educated on their home campus.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
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The general education classroom is the first consideration when the instructional setting is discussed.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
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Special education instructional settings, when located outside of the general education classroom, are placed throughout the school building within age, grade or department appropriate settings.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
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The facilities used by special population students are comparable to those available to general education students.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
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Decisions about instructional settings are determined on the basis of student needs rather than labels or available services.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
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Students served on IEPs are actively involved with their placement.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice
What are you currently implementing in your context and what would you like to implement for 2020-21 regarding collaboration?
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Special education teachers are members of grade level/department teams and are considered full members of the school faculty.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
General education teachers and special education teachers regularly plan together.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
All faculty members are knowledgeable of the contents of each student's IEP for whom they are responsible.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
There is a vision of shared ownership for all students at the school.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
What are you currently implementing in your context and what would you like to implement for 2020-21 regarding instruction?
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies (multi-level instruction, cooperative learning, activity-based instruction, etc.)
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Differentiated instruction is the predominant instructional methodology used in classrooms.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Teachers understand the difference between accommodations and modifications.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
There is a campus-wide behavioral support system in place at the school.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
There are in-class support options for students with special needs utilizing co-teaching.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
There are in-class support options for students with special needs utilizing peer support.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Service personnel such as occupational therapists and speech pathologists plan with the general education teacher and provide services within the general education classroom when appropriate.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
What are you currently implementing in your context and what would you like to implement for 2020-21 regarding relationships?
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
The school has a plan or program for increasing positive student-to-student relationships (ex. PALS, Circle of Friends, etc.)
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Students who receive support with an IEP are considered full members of the school community.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
Parents are welcome and seen as valued partners at the school and in their student's learning.
Currently implementing 2019-20
Not implementing but would like to for 2020-21 school year.
Not ready to implement yet.
Would like to know more about this inclusionary practice.
What are the current barriers to implementing inclusionary practices in your school? Check all that apply.
Low expectations for students with IEPs.
Belief or attitude that inclusion does not benefit all students.
Limited understanding of what inclusion and inclusionary practices are.
Pedagogy and continued professional learning.
Initiative overload.
Funding for adequate facilities.
Ability to hire and retain qualified staff.
Access to educational materials.
Other (please specify)
What learning opportunities could further support you leading for inclusionary practices in your context? Check all that apply.
Book study with leaders in your area.
Online learning to deepen your own knowledge.
Online learning to support a school team.
Visiting sites where inclusionary practices are being implemented successfully.
Learning from panels of leaders, teachers, families, and students who have been implementing practices, and their experiences.
Other (please specify)