
This community engagement exercise is intended to allow those using the support available through Autism West Midlands to outline their views and to provide information to the Council to help in the review of future services.

This service is for children and young people, aged 0-18, who have autistic traits or a diagnosis of autism. The beneficiaries are parents, children and young people with autistic traits and professionals who support families in the community. A formal diagnosis for autism is not required.

The Council is keen to engage with the market to understand the opportunities available to shape our approach to commissioning the above.

Please complete the survey monkey questionnaire online where possible. Any completed questionnaires (see Appendix 1) can also be returned to Pip Long by 5pm on Friday 6th September 2024

If you have any questions about this questionnaire these questions should be submitted to the Council through an email to Pip Long:

Please note that the survey covers Shropshire Council area only (not Telford & Wrekin area). Telford & Wrekin residents/service users will be directed to the end of the survey.