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2022 AWE Member Day Registration

NEW! This year the Alliance for Water Efficiency is bringing you a refreshed AWE Member Day at the WaterSmart Innovations conference. Historically, the AWE Member Day only convened our three Member Advisory Committees for in person meetings the day before the main WSI sessions. This year, we’re reimagining our rare chance to gather in person with a more inclusive and interactive day for all at AWE members.
We are exploring creating a virtual (not hybrid) option for those who are not attending WSI. Please complete this form if this applies to you. 

Tuesday October 4th, 2022, 8:30am-3:15pm in Sonoma B at the South Point Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
What can you look forward to?  
  • Opportunities to connect with and learn from your fellow AWE members 
  • Interactive session on Commercial, Industrial and Institutional (CII) water use 
  • Introduction to the three AWE Advisory Committees 
  • Chance to learn about the committees and see if you want to join – you do not need to be a current member to join these sessions 
  • A three-part discussion on climate change and weather extremes 
    • What was your experience this year? 
    • What research do we need to be more prepared? 
    • How are codes, standards and technology keeping up?  
  • Opportunities to provide valuable feedback on AWE research, programs, and initiatives  
And as always, we invited you to our annual AWE Member Reception from 5-7:30pm in the same location, Sonoma B. Join us for a celebration of our 15th Anniversary, which we see as an celebration of each of you. We wouldn’t exist without our incredible members; you are the reason and inspiration for all the great work over the last 15 years. Can’t wait to see you in October!  

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Title

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* 3. Organization

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* 4. Email

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* 5. Are you attending WaterSmart Innovations 2022?

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* 6. Do you plan to attend the in-person AWE Member Day on October 4th?

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* 7. If you cannot attend the full in-person AWE Member Day, why?

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* 8. Do you plan to attend the evening AWE Member Reception from 5:00-7:30pm?

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