Please answer the following questions for your opportunity to be featured in upcoming issues of both the AWCI Members Only Newsletter and Members Only-Online, as well as the chance to be featured in an upcoming edition of AWCI's Construction Dimensions magazine!

When finished, please hit Submit at the bottom of the screen. 
Questions? Please contact Chris Williams, director of membership, at

Question Title

* 1. Company Name

Question Title

* 2. In what city is your company currently headquartered?

Question Title

* 3. In what state/territory/country is your company currently headquartered?

Question Title

* 4. Company website

Question Title

* 5. In what year did your company first join AWCI?

Question Title

* 6. Why did your company join AWCI?

Question Title

* 7. How has your company benefited from its AWCI membership?

Question Title

* 8. What is the biggest challenge your company currently faces?

Question Title

* 9. What marketing challenges does your company face as the industry evolves (if any)?

Question Title

* 10. Where do you see the wall and ceiling industry in 20 years?

Question Title

* 11. OPTIONAL: How can AWCI better help strengthen your company?

Question Title

* 12. OPTIONAL: Your name & title

Question Title

* 13. OPTIONAL: Your email address (for potential follow-up interview)