Overview & Background Check Information

Community Tampa Bay has a vision of a community free from all forms of discrimination.

The mission of Community Tampa Bay's ANYTOWN® program is to empower diverse groups of young people to create more inclusive and just schools and communities where all individuals are treated with respect and understanding.

In a typical year, ANYTOWN® is a 6-day 5-night residential session, including staff day. In light of COVID-19, we have adapted ANYTOWN® 2021. Each 2021 session will span 2 full days without the residential component.
This year, each ANYTOWN® session will welcome approximately 30 program participants (delegates) and approximately 15 volunteer counselors. Volunteer counselors will be tasked with facilitating workshops,  dialogue groups and community time. Support volunteers will assist with the behind the scenes components of the program. 

All roles require a high degree of independence, as the session's staff will all be busy. Support volunteers must be proactive and able to function with little to no direction or supervision. You will attend a one hour volunteer orientation prior to service.

All session AND support volunteers must pass a Florida background check. The following information is required to run the background check, and allow us to get in touch with you about your role. Specific role information appears on the following page.

Question Title

* 1. Please fill in the following information:

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your social security number.

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* 3. Please provide your birthdate (month/day/year).

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* 4. Background Screening Release:

I hereby certify the information provided relative to the background screening process on the volunteer application is true and accurate and subject to verification by Community Tampa Bay. I understand any misrepresentation or omission of facts on these forms may be justification for, refusal of or dismissal from volunteer services. I will comply with all rules and regulations as set forth in Community Tampa Bay’s volunteer policy, including any other communications distributed to volunteers. I agree that Community Tampa Bay has the right to refuse volunteer service on the basis of my background check, or any other reason that indicates I am not a good fit for the role.

I understand that typing my name below constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Background Screening Release.

33% of survey complete.