In an effort to provide commuters throughout the Atlanta Metro Area with valuable transportation options to enhance regional mobility, the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) conducted a study of its regional express bus service. As part of the assessment effort, ATL has initiated an outreach campaign to gather input from existing riders and potential future patrons on the proposed service changes. We want to hear from you!

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1. What is your primary mode of transportation? (Please choose ONE.)

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2. Do you currently transfer from Xpress to MARTA bus or train?

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3. Is there a vehicle available for you to commute?

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4. If you currently use Xpress or another commuter bus service, what route do you use most often? (Please select your TOP 3.)

Please leave blank if you don’t use any kind of commuter bus service.

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5. If you currently use Xpress or another commuter bus park-and-ride lot, which lot(s) do you use? (Choose ALL that apply.)

Please leave blank if you do not use any kind of commuter bus park-and-ride lot.

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6. We are considering adjustments to our bus routes in order to enhance system efficiency and better align services levels with post-pandemic ridership trends. Please let us know the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following proposed adjustments for the system as a whole.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Ending some routes at MARTA stations:
Merge routes that cover similar service areas:
Remove underutilized park-and-ride lots:
Reduce Xpress stops in Downtown, Midtown, and Perimeter:

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7. Having increased access to MARTA rail stations, with connections at College Park, Indian Creek, H.E. Holmes, Dunwoody, Civic Center, and as a part of my overall commuting experience with Xpress will be:

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8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? Access and the ability to transfer to a MARTA rail station will enhance my commuter experience even if it takes a few more minutes.

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9. Assuming that the span of service and trip start times remain the same, how would the merging of bus routes on major interstate corridors (I-20, I-75, I-85) impact your use of the Xpress bus service? Please share any specific benefits or challenges you foresee.

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10. To help us prioritize and tailor the upcoming adjustments to our bus services, please rate the importance of the following aspects for your daily commute:

  Very important Important Neutral Unimportant Very unimportant
Driving distance to my park-and-ride, in the direction of my commute:
Walking distance to my destination, after I get off of public transit:
Direct Xpress bus service to my final destination:
Direct connections to/from MARTA rail
Arrival and departure times based on my work/school schedule

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11. Please share any additional thoughts or feedback you may have.

Thank you for your input! Your feedback will help us improve and better tailor our services to your commuting needs.