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* 1. A 59-year-old man has been hospitalized following a myocardial infarction and requires mechanical ventilation. After 4 days in the ICU, he develops fever and a chest radiograph reveals new pulmonary infiltrates. Culture from a BAL sample identifies P. aeruginosa. The ICU has experienced a recent outbreak of multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa exhibiting upregulation of MexAB. Which of the following antimicrobials would be most likely to retain activity against this pathogen?

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* 2. Inducible AmpC producers will typically exhibit initial susceptibility followed by resistance after repeated exposure to which of the following antimicrobials?

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* 3. According to the latest IDSA treatment guidance, preferred antimicrobial therapy for bacteremia caused by an organism with a high risk of inducible AmpC production (e.g., E. cloacae) is:

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* 4. Which of the following newer antimicrobials exhibits in vitro activity against organisms that produce a metallo-beta-lactamase?

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* 5. During microbiologic screening for resistant phenotypes, an ESBL-producing organism will demonstrate diminished susceptibility to which of the following classes of antimicrobials?