Thank you for participating in the first session of the ASDA Chapter Leadership Academy: ASDA 101! Please share your feedback about the session to help ASDA improve upon and deliver meaningful leadership education and professional development opportunities for chapter leaders.

Question Title

* 2. Your Leadership Role

Question Title

* 3. Rate the below statements on a scale of 1-4, with 1 being you strongly disagree and 4 being you strongly agree.

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The content helped me better understand ASDA's history and governance structure.
The content helped me better understand ASDA's member benefits.
The content helped me better understand my role as a chapter leader.
The content helped me better understand ASDA's membership processing.
The content helped me better understand the financial management of my chapter.
The content helped me better understand how to work with administration and demonstrate ASDA's value.
The content was appropriate for my level of knowledge about ASDA and my role as a chapter leader.
I will utilize the information shared in my current or future leadership role.
Overall, the session met my expectations.
Overall, the speakers met my expectations.

Question Title

* 4. Rank the content areas below that you would like to see presented at future chapter leader training sessions that you believe would best support you and help you execute in your role as a chapter leader.

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* 5. Select the resources below that would most help you with your chapter operations during your leadership term.

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* 6. Would you recommend this session to your successor?

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* 7. Are there any training sessions that may benefit other positions within your chapter? Please explain.

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* 8. Are there other networking or training opportunities that you would like to see from national ASDA to help set you up for success in your chapter role?

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* 9. Please list any other comments you'd like to share about the ASDA 101 Session.