Thank you for attending the recent ARMS Virtual Conference 2021. We hope you enjoyed the event and welcome your feedback below.

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1. How did you hear about the Conference?

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2. What were your main objectives for attending the Conference?

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3. Have you attended an ARMS Conference before?


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4. How would you rate the overall Conference Program?

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5. Please rate Keynote Speaker - Colin Ellis - How to be productive and empathetic at the same time!

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6. Please rate Keynote Speaker - Dr Denise Riordan - How do we carry on carrying on?

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7. Please rate Keynote Speaker - Dr Sereana Naepi - Esteeming All Knowledges: The role of research management in addressing inequities in research

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8. Which plenary session did you find the most informative and engaging? And Why?

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9. Please rate Panel Session 1 - Sustainability of Research for the Future

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10. Please rate Panel Session 2 - Disruptive Technologies to Support the changing Research Management Landscape

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11. Please rate Panel Session 3 - Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Research Workforce for the Future

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12. Which Panel sessions did you find the most informative and engaging? And Why?

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13. How would you rate the structure of the concurrent sessions?

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14. How would you rate the length of presentations?

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15. Which concurrent sessions did you find the most informative and engaging? And Why?

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16. Were there any topics, sessions or speakers you particularly enjoyed? 

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17. Were there any topics, sessions or speakers you didn't enjoy?

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18. Do you have suggestions for future topics, sessions or speakers you would like to see delivered at ARMS events?

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19. Overall based on your total experience would you attend a Virtual event again, or recommend it to others?

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20. Did you visit the Virtual Exhibition, is so did you find this interactive?

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21. Did you visit the Virtual Posters?

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22. Do you have any further feedback you wish to provide?

Events On AIR Platform (Online Conference Platform)

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23. Please rate overall your experience of the On AIR Platform

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24. Did you experience any major technical difficulties accessing the system or sessions?

To help us better plan for the 2022 Conference, we would appreciate your input on the following questions

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25. In 2022 how would you like to see the ARMS Conference delivered?

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26. In 2022 would your Organisation allow you to attend an In Person event?

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27. In 2022 would your Organisation be in a financial position to allow you to attend In Person event?