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The Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is launching a community-driven planning process for the Armitage Industrial Corridor that will create a framework for guiding ongoing growth and investment.

Area residents and businesses are invited to participate in the DPD planning process by sharing insights about the corridor’s historic role as an economic anchor and jobs center, as well as its transportation resources and related infrastructure needs.

The framework will include recommendations that leverage public- and private-sector tools and resources in support of the corridor’s changing needs and opportunities. The goals below build upon DPD’s previous industrial corridor planning and incorporate additional goals identified in the 2023 Citywide Plan that pertain to equity and resiliency in Chicago’s industrial areas.

Thank you for participating in DPD’s community outreach process. Please answer the questions below:
Goal #1: Strengthen Chicago’s Industrial Corridors as economic engines and vital job centers

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* 1. What are the Armitage corridor’s main strengths for attracting and retaining businesses?

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* 2. What types of industrial uses should be prioritized in the Armitage corridor?

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* 3. What types of businesses, land uses or operations are missing?

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* 4. Is it important to keep and attract industrial and manufacturing jobs near Montclare, Belmont Cragin, and Austin communities?

Goal #2: Improve access for all transportation modes

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* 5. What potential transportation and infrastructure improvements would have the biggest impact for the Armitage corridor? Where?

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* 6. Are train and bus options near the corridor easily accessible?

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* 7. How do you typically travel in and around the corridor (walking, biking, transit, driving)?

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* 8. What portions of the corridor create pedestrian, bicyclist and driver safety concerns?

Goal #3: Enhance unique natural and built assets

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* 9. What buildings contribute to the character and identity of the corridor?

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* 10. What landscapes contribute to the character and identity of the corridor?

Goal #4: Use environmental justice principles to establish criteria and polices for geographies harmed by environmental degradation

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* 11. Do you experience any environmental burdens such as flooding, noise or air pollution? If so, where?

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* 12. Where could landscaping or other physical buffers resolve land use issues between property types?

Goal #5: Balance the economic benefits of moving goods with negative impacts on communities by equitably distributing burdens, where possible

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* 13. What portions of the corridor have traffic congestion issues? Where?

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* 14. Where is truck parking causing problems for the corridor?

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* 15. Where are industrial operations creating quality of life issues, such as from debris, outdoor storage of raw materials and equipment, unauthorized parking, or other concerns?