ARMHS/PSS Customer Feedback

1.What services do you currently receive and what is the location of your services?
2.Do you consider the services you receive from Northland Counseling Center effective? 
3.Would you recommend this agency to a friend or family member?
4.Are you aware of your mental health diagnosis?
5.Do you currently use drugs or alcohol?
6.If you do use drugs or alcohol, would you like to receive more support around your use?
7.Are you currently working or volunteering?
8.Are you aware of the Northern Opportunity Works ( N.O.W.) Program?
9.Are you currently enrolled in school (Adult Ed, college classes, ARMHS groups)?
10.Do you feel comfortable in social settings? If not, what could help you to feel more comfortable?
11.Do you have people you consider close friends or have strong relationships with?
12.Do you work on relationship skills with your ARMHS or PSS staff?
13.Are you learning skills in the ARMHS program that can help you take care of yourself independently?
14.Do you see your medical doctor as needed? If not, do you need more support getting connected to your medical doctor?
15.Do you see your dentist as needed? Do you need more support getting connected to your dentist? 
16.Are you able to maintain your finances (complete insurance paperwork on time, maintain social security beneifts) ?
17.Are you currently satisfied with your housing situation?
18.If you are dissatisfied with your housing situation, how could your ARMHS/PSS worker help you?
19.Are you aware of the public transportation options available to you?
20.Do you feel comfortable asking questions about your treatment plan?
21.Do you feel less bothered by your symptoms since you have started your services?
Current Progress,
0 of 21 answered