This Leisure Strategy will focus on Ards and North Down Borough Council's delivery of Active Leisure opportunities (anything that includes exercise) for both the residents of the Borough and the visitors to it. It will, however, consider the Council's role in also providing for both Social and Cognitive Leisure. It will cover both direct Leisure delivery by Council and indirect Leisure delivery whereby Council supports or recognises the delivery by key stakeholders including, but not limited to, other statutory agencies, local businesses and/or the extensive voluntary sector across the Borough. The aim of this Leisure Strategy is to identify the current baseline for Leisure provision and to provide a clear roadmap for Council to deliver this provision for the duration of the strategy (2025-2034).

This survey is part of a wider consultation to inform the Council's Leisure Strategy. Your input is greatly appreciated.

***If you would like to be entered into a draw for the chance to win 1 x individual 3-month membership for a leisure facility that the Council and our partners operate, please complete all questions including the final one! Membership can only be used at one facility of the winner’s choice. The facilities are The Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex, Comber Leisure Centre, Portaferry Sports Centre, Bangor Aurora Aquatic and Leisure Complex, Queens Leisure Complex, Bangor Sportsplex.****

Closing Date - Friday 2nd August 2024

Thank you. Siobhan Poulter, Otium Leisure Consultancy,, mob 07751 340656.

Privacy Statement: For further information on how the Council manages personal information see here: Privacy Policy Link

Question Title

* 1. Which category includes your age?

Question Title

* 2. Are you ...

Question Title

* 3. What is your postcode sector, i.e the first four/five digits of your postcode? This helps us ensure the survey responses are representative of the whole council area. Note that all responses will be completely anonymous.

Question Title

* 4. How many children do you have?

Question Title

* 5. Do you have a long-term illness or disability which limits your daily leisure activities?

Question Title

* 6. How often do you engage in leisure activities?

Question Title

* 7. Which of these activities have you participated in within the last 12 months? Tick all that apply.

Question Title

* 8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

"Enjoying leisure activities can benefit and improve my general health and wellbeing"

Question Title

* 9. Thinking about your local area, please rate how important the provision of the below suggestions is in encouraging people to stay and be more active? Where 1 is not very important to provide and 5 is very important to provide.

  1 (Not very important to provide) 2 3 4 5 (Very important to provide)
The opportunity to participate in leisure activities as part of daily routine including safe walking and cycling routes to work/school/shops.
A selection of leisure activities, wellbeing and sports activities to do
Accessible information about what people can do in their local area
Leisure activities the whole family can do together
Leisure activities suited to all fitness and skill levels
Opportunities to try new and interesting leisure activities
A personal welcoming and encouraging approach to those who have not done any exercise for a long time
Availability of personalised exercise and nutrition programmes/schedules to help with lifestyle changes
Online fitness and wellbeing video sessions and resources

Question Title

* 10. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements, where 1 is a low agreement and 5 a high level of agreement.

  1 (Low level of agreement) 2 3 4 5 (High level of agreement)
I feel I have the ability to take part in a leisure activity
I feel I have the opportunity take part in a leisure activity

Question Title

* 11. Do you or your children participate in leisure activities?

Question Title

* 12. Do you have membership of a Council leisure centre or private gym in Ards and North Down?

Question Title

* 13. Where do you participate in leisure activities? Click ALL that apply.

Question Title

* 14. What are your top THREE reasons for participating in leisure activities?

Question Title

* 15. Thinking about leisure ACTIVITIES in your area, please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements where 1 is a low level of agreement and 5 is a high level of agreement.

  1 (Low level of agreement) 2 3 4 5 (High level of agreement)
There are enough activities
They are suited to my interests
It is easy to find out about them
It is easy to participate in them

Question Title

* 16. What is preventing you from taking part in leisure activities, tick ANY that you think applies to you.

Question Title

* 17. What's the best way to let you know about leisure activities in your area? Choose the top THREE.

Question Title

* 18. Do you have any suggestions on how the Council can help increase/improve the level of leisure activity in the Council area? Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Question Title

* 19. If you would like to enter the draw for the chance to win a leisure membership for 3 months, please record your email address below.