The County of San Diego Aging and Independence Services (AIS) is working to ensure that our communities are places where older adults can thrive.

All are welcome! Tell us what would improve your quality of life now and what you imagine might be needed in the future.

Light meals will be provided for those who RSVP below. 

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* 1. Name

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* 2. If you are RSVPing for multiple individuals please enter all of the individual's names in the box below.

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* 4. Phone (optional). If you do not have an email address, you may receive a phone call reminder about the event. Please ensure to include your phone number if you are requesting accommodations or translation services so that a staff member may follow-up on your request.

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* 5. Which event do you plan to attend?

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* 6. Do you have any dietary restrictions? (Select all that apply.)

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* 7. Do you require any accommodations for the event?

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* 8. Do you need language translation services for the event? Staff will try to accommodate the request however, it is based on availability of language services for translation.

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* 9. Would you like to be contacted in the future for similar events?