Apply to be a member of the Adaptive Platform Trials Operations Special Interest Group (APTO SIG)

APTO SIG aims to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and support the implementation of Adaptive Platform Trials to improve the efficiency and quality of clinical trials in Australia. Membership is voluntary and we welcome all APT operations staff: project managers, clinical trial clinicians, registered nurses, data managers, data systems developers and other specialist operational skills.

In order to become a member of this interest group, we ask you to complete the brief questionnaire below.
Note: There are no fees for membership. Being a member of APTO SIG does not require (affiliate) membership of ACTA but we encourage you to consider supporting ACTA in this way. Please visit

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* 1. Your personal details

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* 2. Please list the organisation(s) you are employed by or affiliated with

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* 3. Current position title

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* 4. Which one of the following professional categories do you represent? (please select one only)

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* 5. What best represents your involvement in Adaptive Platform Trials?

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* 6. Please indicate which Platform Trial(s) you are currently involved in (name/abbreviation and URL if possible). If none, please write "none".

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* 7. What are you hoping to get out of the APTO SIG membership, and how are you intending to contribute to the group?

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* 8. Would you like to be added to our monthly ACTA newsletter to stay on top of sector news and events?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. It will be sent to the co-chairs of APTO SIG for review.