OPRO meets.. |
This questionnaire is intended for submissions to the Office of Public Relations and Outreach (OPRO) Board's monthly "OPRO meets.." Phytopathology Newsletter articles, which will feature an outreach event or activity from different people and organizations each month. The intent is to recognize outreach-related activities organized by APS membership and encourage outreach through publicizing it and making necessary materials available to recreate these events/activities. Please complete all questions to the best of your ability. Incomplete or very brief submissions will not be considered for use. Submissions will be utilized in the order in which they are received, and/or the novelty of the event/activity when applicable, with the intention of featuring APS members from a diversity of organizations and career levels from one article to the next. Submitters will be notified when their submission will be utilized.
Please note, for this outreach event/activity submission, OPRO will only showcase events/activities that adhere to this definition of outreach: Any plant pathology (or plant biology)-related educational activity for K-12 (teachers or students), college students, or the general public. These are activities performed outside the duties of extension faculty/personnel and may include international outreach. Our definition of outreach activities does NOT include teaching university classes with enrolled students, guest talks given to university departments that are somewhat related to the plant sciences (such as Biology), mentoring undergraduate students to conduct research, nor international research.