1. Exit Questionnaire

The purpose of the Exit Questionnaire is to give you the opportunity to provide constructive feedback about your Albuquerque Public School experiences. Your responses are confidential and your participation is completely voluntary but also very important. Data collected can be used to improve APS workforce and practices. 

Question Title

* Which of the following best describes your age group?

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* Please indicate which best describes your ethnicity

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* How many years were you with Albuquerque Public Schools?

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* My most recent primary work assignment was (mark only one):

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* How many years have you been in your profession?

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* When did you start the position you are now leaving? (month/year)

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* When is/was your official last day in the position? (month/year)

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* Please select the reason for leaving employment with Albuquerque Public Schools:

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* If job dissatisfaction is a reason for leaving APS employment, please specify your top ONE or TWO sources of dissatisfaction:

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* If you are accepting other employment, please specify the advantages that your new job has over your APS position (mark all that apply):

Question Title

* Enjoyment of work: How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
The job was challenging
The job was satisfying
I was furnished with sufficient tools and equipment
My skills and experience were well utilized

Question Title

* Availability of training: How strongly would agree or disagree with the following?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
Sufficient training was provided.
I developed new skills and abilities through my job.

Question Title

* Relationship with supervisor: How strongly do you agree with the following?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
My supervisor is an effective manager.
My supervisor helped me be effective in my job.
My supervisor listened to what I had to say.
I respected my supervisor.
I felt valued by my supervisor.
I had little involvement with my supervisor.

Question Title

* Department/Work-Site/School: Think about the primary function/purpose of your department/work site/school. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No Opinion
My department/work-site/school worked smoothly.
My department/work-site/school had sufficient personnel to fulfill its primary purpose.
My department/work-site/school had sufficient tools/supplies/equipment to fulfill its primary purpose.
My department/work-site/school worked very well with other departments.
My department/work-site/school produced high quality work.

Question Title

* General: While working with APS, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you in the following areas?

  Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied No Opinion
Work Load
Opportunity for advancement
Recognition of accomplishments
Use of your skills

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* Would you be willing to work for APS in the future?

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* What other feedback would you like to give APS?