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* 1. It is important for you to know details provided by you in this survey will remain anonymous. Do you consent to completing this survey and grant permission for APP to review your answers?

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* 2. APP is a community-based service that provides individualised 1-1 support for school leavers and people aged 18 - 65 with a diagnosis of ASD and mental health challenges. Do you think this type of service would be beneficial in your local community?

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* 3. APP provides an adult day service which aims to empower people to help a person make decisions that enhance their capacity to live more meaningful lives in their community offering impartial advice, guidance, and support. Do you currently have access to such supports if needed?

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* 4. If you have answered ''Yes'' to question 2, what supports are you currently receiving?

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* 5. If you have answered ''No'' to question 2, what supports do you wish to receive?

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* 6. Are you aware of supports available to you upon turning eighteen years of age?

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* 7. What challenges, if any, do you face on a daily basis that you wish to receive additional support with?

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* 8. Which of the following locations would you consider accessible to reach from your locality? Please select all relevant options.

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* 9. What other geographical areas are accessible to you from your current location?

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* 10. How actively involved are you in your community at present?

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* 11. Would you like to provide a short profile about yourself?