
Nominations are now open for the OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Executive Committee

All professional staff of OCLC member organizations in Asia and the Pacific are invited to nominate colleagues from OCLC members (or self nominate) for the Asia Pacific Regional Council Executive Committee. The deadline for submitting nominations is 2 December 2011.

OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Executive Committee

There are three open seats on the Executive Committee.

You may nominate an individual or run for office yourself. Nominees must hold a leadership position at an OCLC member institution.

The terms for these positions will be two years, beginning on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2014.

The Asia Pacific Regional Council bylaws state that no two members of the Executive Committee may come from member institutions from the same country or region. Because the following individuals will complete their terms in June 2013, individuals from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan are not eligible to run in this election:

o ChewLeng Beh, National Library Board/Singapore Integrated Library Automated Services
o Hsueh-hua Chen, National Taiwan University
o Alison Elliott, National Library of New Zealand
o Andrew Wells, University of New South Wales

Nominations/Elections Process

The Asia Pacific Regional Council Nominating Committee will review the nominations they receive. The Nominating Committee will determine the slate of candidates based on the submissions. Once the Nominating Committee approves the slate, they will announce the candidates who will appear on the ballot by sending a Member Update e-mail and posting the slate of candidates on the OCLC website. This announcement is scheduled for early January 2012. Voting will take place from early January through late February 2012, and election results will be announced during the OCLC Global Council Annual Meeting, 16–17 April 2012.

After the election, the four existing Executive Committee members listed above (whose terms end in June 2013) and the three newly elected members will determine who will hold the various offices. From this group of seven, five individuals will also represent Asia Pacific on OCLC's Global Council. The Chair, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect and Secretary, plus ChewLeng Beh, who was elected OCLC Global Council President for the 2012–2013 year, will participate in Global Council. One additional Executive Committee member will also become a Global Council Delegate. Hsueh-hua Chen (National Taiwan University) is currently the Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, and will become Chair of the Asia Pacific Regional Council Executive Committee on 1 July 2012, for a term of one year.

Have a question? Please contact Larry Olszewski, OCLC Library, by sending an e-mail to:

Completing the Nomination Form

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If you would like to leave the form at any time, just click “Exit and return to the form later” and your answers will be saved.

When you are finished, click “Finished” and you will be asked if you want to close the window; select “yes.” Once the box closes, your responses will be submitted automatically.

If you experience any technical difficulties with this form, please contact Joanne Cantrell via e-mail at: