1. Introduction

This questionnaire has been prepared by the AAPath Membership Committee to provide an objective means to determine AAPath membership eligibility. Please complete this questionnaire to the best of your ability. If you have any questions or technical difficulties completing this form, please contact the AAPath office at info@apcprods.org or call 302-660-4940.
General Information About How the Committee is Evaluating this Application

The AAPath Membership Committee will evaluate this application based on the responses provided. Your responses will be compared with criteria for Regular, Affiliate and Special membership. The Committee’s goal is to be inclusive of academic pathology departments, upholding the AAPath mission of supporting academic departments in medical education, research, and practice. Please note that currently we do not approve Regular or Affiliate memberships for pathology departments that are within a for-profit hospital enterprise or for pathology departments outside Canada and the United States. The Committee may contact the applicant for additional information if needed.

Question Title

* 1. Is your department a member?

33% of survey complete.