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* 1. Are you a taxpayer in the:

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* 2. Is your primary residence in

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* 3. Which of the following applies to you

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* 4. Do you currently use the Annapolis Royal Town Wharf for any of the following?

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* 5. What do you see as the value of the wharf?

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* 6. Do you have any ideas on how to increase the use of the wharf and create revenue stream for annual repairs and maintenance of the wharf?

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* 7. Please prioritize your options for what you wish to see for the future of the wharf.(2025 onward)
Please Keep in mind that costs will be incurred by the Annapolis Royal taxpayers. Staff will do their best secure grant funding to offset the costs, but there will still be a portion of the costs that will have to be borne by taxpayers. Costs shown below are estimates from a 2024 report.