
Please fill out this form to authorize the ANCOR DC PAC to send you communications. For questions, please email Elise Aguilar

Question Title

* 1. On behalf of my company, which is a member of the American Network of Community Options and Resources (“ANCOR”), I hereby authorize communication with and solicitation of the company’s restricted class (e.g., salaried, executive or administrative employees; shareholders; and these persons’ immediate families) by ANCOR and/or the American Network of Community Options and Resources Disability Champions Political Action Committee (“ANCOR DC PAC”) for the calendar year(s) signed below.  ANCOR DC PAC is a multi-candidate PAC. I understand that company approval is necessary before ANCOR or ANCOR DC PAC may conduct a solicitation.  I further understand that a trade association’s corporate member may give only one such authorization per calendar year, and to the best of my knowledge, my company has not given such authorization to any other federal trade association political action committee for the calendar year(s) authorized below.

Question Title

* 2. Please fill in your name next to each year in which you authorize solicitation. Each year authorized requires its own electronic signature and automatically expires on December 31st.

Question Title

* 3. OPTIONAL: Please Choose One or More:

Question Title

* 4. I understand that federal law requires only U.S. Citizens who are ANCOR members to donate to ANCOR DC PAC, and that donations cannot come from my organization’s funds.

Please Return Any Additional Documentation To:
American Network of Community Options and Resources Disability Champions Political Action Committee
113 S. West Street, Suite 400
Alexandria, VA 22314