Throughout the year AMSD communicated to members with direct emails, an electronic monthly newsletter, social media posts, and in-person meetings to update membership about relevant legislation, calls to action, and engagement opportunities.

We would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this brief survey in an effort to help us better serve our membership. The goal is to identify what you found the most valuable and useful and where you think we could do things differently or more effectively.

All questions are optional, but the more detail you can provide in your responses will help us tailor our communication to serve you better.

The survey will remain open through May 31.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Scott Croonquist, AMSD Executive Director, at or 612-203-5631.

Question Title

* 1. Your Information:

2024 Legislative Engagement, Events, and Calls to Action

The 2024 session brought several opportunities for legislative action and engagement with members and their legislators.
AMSD Day at the Capitol 2024

AMSD hosted its Day at the Capitol on March 5 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The day kicked off with updates from the chairs of the House and Senate Education Finance Committees and Gov. Walz’s education policy advisor. From there, AMSD members attended committee meetings and met with their local legislators.

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* 2. Did you attend?

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* 3. If you did attend, did you find the AMSD Day at the Capitol valuable?

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* 4. Was the time convenient?

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* 5. Did you schedule meetings with your local legislators during the Day at the Capitol?

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* 6. Did you get feedback from your legislator?

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* 7. What could make the day better?

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* 8. Should AMSD continue to host a separate Day at the Capitol or should we instead focus on encouraging members to attend the MASA/MSBA Day at the Capitol?