Thank you for taking the time to complete our feedback survey. 

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* 1. Name and Car Number

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* 2. How would you rate your experience on the 2023 AMCR?

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* 3. What aspects of the event did you enjoy the most?

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* 4. What aspects of the event did you enjoy the least?

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* 5. How would you rate the routes of this years AMCR

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* 6. Did you find the route notes helpful and accurate?

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* 7. Please provide your feedback on the catering.

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* 8. Please provide your feedback on the accommodation.

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* 9. Did you like the concept of two nights in one place?

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* 10. Did you enjoy the group lunches or would you prefer to buy your own lunch?

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* 11. What kind of entertainment would you like to see included in the itinerary?

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our auction night?

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* 13. Did you enjoy theme night?

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* 14. Do you want to continue with a Theme Night on event?

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* 15. How do you prefer to receive your news and updates?

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* 16. Was the information you received before the event through Newsletters adequate?

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* 17. What can we do to improve them? Design, more information, less information etc?

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* 18. Did the daily Chairs Address and the event handbook provide you with enough information while you were on the event?

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* 19. Did you like the concept and variation of the Motorsport options on this event?

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* 20. General comments on this year’s event, or comments that may enhance future events

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* 21. How easy was it to register your team and use the fundraising platform?

Easy Hard
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 22. What are the top three things you believe could be improved for future events?

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* 23. Do you intend on entering the 2024 Variety Aussie Muscle Car Run?

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* 24. Do you have any suggestions for future event destinations?

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* 25. Do you have any final comments you would like to share with us that will make future events more enjoyable for you?