Thank you for your continued participation in making Amarillo's streets safer. In our first survey, your input on the interactive map survey helped us identify key areas of concern.

We need your feedback on this follow-up survey to determine which future safety improvement strategies we should focus on.

Question Title

* 2. Project Prioritization Criteria (Select up to 2 Options)
Which criteria should the City prioritize when selecting safety projects for implementation?

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* 3. Trade off
Would you be willing to remove parking spaces within public right-of-way for additional sidewalks, bike lanes, or other pedestrian or bike infrastructure?

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* 4. Reduce Speed in Residential Neighborhoods (Select up to 3)
Speeding is the leading cause of crashes in Amarillo and was a major concern in our last survey. How should the City address speeding in residential neighborhoods in future safety projects?

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* 5. Reduce Speed on Arterial Roads (Select up to 3)
How do you want the City to approach this safety issue in future improvement projects?

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* 6. Policy Changes for Safer Streets (Select up to 2 Options)
Which policy changes would you most support to foster safer streets in Amarillo?

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* 7. Choose your top 3 improvements you would like to see implemented on streets in Amarillo.

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* 8. Choose your top 3 improvements you would like to see implemented at intersections in Amarillo.

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* 9. Top Funding Priorities for Safety Improvements
If more funding becomes available, which types of projects do you think should be the highest priority for the City? (Select up to 3 Options)

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* 10. How do you usually get around Amarillo? (Select exactly 2 options)

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* 11. What is your age? (Optional)

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* 12. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Optional)