What do you want to happen to the recycling area at Alec Row?

The Parish Council is consulting on how to develop Alec Row (the recycling bins area in the centre of Staveley next to the Pharmacy). Now that the Village has kerbside recycling the recycling bins have all been removed except for cardboard.
From our Community plan various suggestions have emerged for what to do with the area that is left.

We have narrowed it down to 3 main ideas.

A. More parking, no recycling
B. Green space and seating with some cardboard recycling
C. Combination of parking, green space and cardboard recycling

There follows some pictures to give an indication (they are not definitive) of what each idea might look like. A PDF of the designs below can also be downloaded here.

Please tell us what you prefer.
Thank you

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A. More parking, no recycling

A. More parking, no recycling

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B. Green space and seating with some cardboard recycling

B. Green space and seating with some cardboard recycling

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C. Combination of parking, green space and cardboard recycling

C. Combination of parking, green space and cardboard recycling

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* 1. I prefer

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* 2. Any other comments

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* 3. Are you a resident or visitor to Staveley with Ings Parish area?