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* 1. What is the name of your law firm? 请留下您所在律所名称。

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* 2. How large is your law firm in Asia (excluding ANZ)? 您所在律所在亚洲的人员规模如何(不包括澳大利亚及新西兰地区)?

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* 3. In what Asian jurisdiction(s) is your law firm located? 您所在律所在亚洲哪些司法管辖区设有办公室?

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* 4. Provide up to three instances in which your firm has solved challenges either internally, or for your client, in the past 12 months, by answering the following questions. (#1 - Mandatory) 请提供至多3个案例,表明在过去12个月中,您所在律所曾以何种创新方式解决内部挑战,或者来自客户的挑战。请以回答下述问题的方式作答。(请于此处填写案例1 - 必答)

- What was the specific challenge either you or your client was facing? 您所在律所或客户所面对的具体挑战是什么?
- What innovation did you employ to tack this challenge? 您使用了何种创新方法解决挑战?
- Why do you believe this initiative to be innovative for your jurisdiction/industry? 您如何判断在您所在司法管辖区/产业领域,此方法可谓创新?
- What was the outcome achieved for your firm or for your client via this innovation? Please provide details. 通过创新,您所在律所或所服务客户收获了何种结果?请提供具体细节。
- Any further details and context to add. 您希望添加的其他细节和内容。

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* 5. Provide up to three instances in which your firm has solved challenges either internally, or for your client, in the past 12 months, by answering the following questions. (#2 - Optional) 请提供至多3个案例,表明在过去12个月中,您所在律所曾以何种创新方式解决内部挑战,或者来自客户的挑战。请以回答下述问题的方式作答。(请于此处填写案例2 - 选答)

- What was the specific challenge either you or your client was facing? 您所在律所或客户所面对的具体挑战是什么?
- What innovation did you employ to tack this challenge? 您使用了何种创新方法解决挑战?
- Why do you believe this initiative to be innovative for your jurisdiction/industry? 您如何判断在您所在司法管辖区/产业领域,此方法可谓创新?
- What was the outcome achieved for your firm or for your client via this innovation? Please provide details. 通过创新,您所在律所或所服务客户收获了何种结果?请提供具体细节。
- Any further details and context to add. 您希望添加的其他细节和内容。

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* 6. Provide up to three instances in which your firm has solved challenges either internally, or for your client, in the past 12 months, by answering the following questions. (#3 - Optional) 请提供至多3个案例,表明在过去12个月中,您所在律所曾以何种创新方式解决内部挑战,或者来自客户的挑战。请以回答下述问题的方式作答。(请于此处填写案例3 - 选答)

- What was the specific challenge either you or your client was facing? 您所在律所或客户所面对的具体挑战是什么?
- What innovation did you employ to tack this challenge? 您使用了何种创新方法解决挑战?
- Why do you believe this initiative to be innovative for your jurisdiction/industry? 您如何判断在您所在司法管辖区/产业领域,此方法可谓创新?
- What was the outcome achieved for your firm or for your client via this innovation? Please provide details. 通过创新,您所在律所或所服务客户收获了何种结果?请提供具体细节。
- Any further details and context to add. 您希望添加的其他细节和内容。

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* 7. Are there any other ways in which your law firm is unique compared to other firms in your jurisdiction, or peer law firms of similar size/practice focus? Why would you say these are innovative? What benefits do they bring to yourself or your clients? 与您所在司法管辖区其他律所,或者规模/业务重心类似的同辈律所相比,您所在律所还有哪些独特之处?您为何称这些特点具备创新性?它们给您所在律所或客户带来了哪些益处?