Help shape the ALB India E-magazine going forward

The ALB India Readers' Survey aims to garner feedback from you, our readers, on how you find the publication, as well as solicit feedback on areas where we can improve. We encourage you to be as frank as possible.

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* 1. Where are you based?

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* 2. How would you describe your role/designation?

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* 3. What is your area of practice? (applicable to lawyers working with law firms)

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* 4. What content do you like in the ALB India e-magazine?

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* 5. What content do you NOT like in the ALB India e-magazine? What do we do too much or too little of?

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* 6. What topics or issues would you like to see featured (or featured more)? What new sections do you think we should introduce?

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* 7. Would you be open to us following up with you further on your responses? If yes, please leave your name and email below.

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* 8. Would you like to recommend sources or interviewees - either yourself or from your organisation - for our various features and sections? If yes, please provide their name(s), area(s) of expertise and how best to contact them.