As part of the Atlas of Living Australia’s (ALA) commitment to providing world-class accessible, open-source biodiversity data, we’re undertaking our annual User Satisfaction Survey. By taking part in this short survey, you’re helping us understand how we can better support your needs through the ALA.

Please complete the survey in the context of your use of ALA infrastructure and data. This survey closes 31 October 2024.

This survey is voluntary, if at any point you'd rather not proceed, you’re welcome to exit the survey with no obligation to complete it. All information collected through the survey will be anonymous and used by CSIRO for research purposes (i.e. improving ALA tools and services). This study has been approved by CSIRO’s Social Science Human Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007). Any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study can be raised with the Manager of Social Responsibility and Ethics on (07) 3833 5693 or by email at

*Mandatory field

Question Title

* 1. Have you used the ALA since 1 January, 2024?