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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Investigations are required when:

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* 3. Which of the following incidents is not reportable to RCS?

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* 4. It is recommended that staff conducting an investigation be trained to do so by:

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* 5. Which of these incidents does not require immediate notification:

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* 6. The philosophy of incident management is:

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* 7. GERs can only be completed during a limited amount of time during the day.

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* 8. An individual that attends a day program, resides in a residential group home, and visits family frequently passed away at the residential home. Who should complete and forward the initial and comprehensive mortality reports to RCS?

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* 9. Deaths require notification ________________

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* 10. The definition of severe behavior includes:

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* 11. Which of the following are reportable incidents?

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* 12. Which of the following incident types require the initiation of an investigation?

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* 13. The RCS Director reserves the right to initiate an investigation into an incident that has already been investigated by the provider.

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* 14. A GER Resolution is?

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* 15. Completed investigations should be provided to RCS within _________ working day/s of the date of incident.

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* 16. The purpose of the IPMS is:

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* 17. Incidents involving physical aggression must be submitted to RCS, even if the person has a behavior support plan?

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* 18. An incident is:

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* 19. The definition of physical assault includes:

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* 20. Any staff can submit GERs into the THERAP system?

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* 21. What is a GER?