Exit this survey AITSL Charter - Survey of Professional Associations Background Question Title * 1. Name of your organisation (please note: responses to the survey will be cited anonymously) Question Title * 2. Which of the following best describes the structure of your organisation? National body representing individual members National body representing related state/territory organisations State/Territory body representing individual members National body representing other constituent organisations Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How many individuals does your organisation represent (approximately)? If you are an umbrella national body representing state/territory affiliates, please respond in terms of the total state/territory membership. Less than 1000 members 1001 to 5000 members More than 5001 members Question Title * 4. Which of the following types of professional learning platforms does your organisation provide for members? Annual conference Regular meetings/networking opportunities at local level Journal or other periodicals Stand-alone workshops, seminars, lectures Courses linked to academic qualifications Online resources Online networking Study tours Action research projects Funded projects that have accountability requirements, e.g. QTP projects Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. To what extent has your organisation already engaged with the Australian Charter for the Professional Learning of Teachers and School Leaders ("the Charter")? Not at all Little extent - individual office holders/staff are aware of the Charter and may have read it Some extent - office holders/staff are aware of the Charter and have discussed how it may apply to the organisation Moderate extent - the organisation has discussed and endorsed the Charter and committed to the Compact Great extent - The organisation has changed the way it plans, delivers or evaluates its professional learning to align more closely with the Charter Next