
The Arts in Education Partnership is a program of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. The partnership has demonstrated unprecedented ability to enhance the PCA's arts in education efforts through its strong network of local and regional organizations that supports educators, teaching artists, and school administrators in furthering artistic and curricular goals in educational settings. As a residency participant, your input and evaluation of our program is crucial to the growth and development of this partnership. Thank you for your cooperation.This survey provides critical information to the state-wide Arts in Education Partnership and the PA Council on the Arts. Your response will help us document the value of arts in education and the impact it has on student learning. Please return this survey as soon as possible. This survey is to be completed online.

At the bottom of each section (or page) you will find “PREVIOUS” and “NEXT” buttons to navigate through the survey. You may skip ahead at any time using the "NEXT" button. You may pause and save your work at anytime by clicking "NEXT" to save the page and then bookmarking this link using the bookmark function on your browser. If you choose to save your work and return later, you will need to have cookies enabled. You will also need to return to the same computer and use the same browser to access your saved survey. Your responses on any given page are not saved until you click "NEXT".

Once you have completed the survey, but not before, click “DONE” on the "Finish and Submit" page to submit your responses. If you have a question about the use of the survey, please contact your AIE Partner.

Question Title

* 2. Name of school or organization:

Question Title

* 3. School/Organization Zip Code:

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* 4. What county did the residency take place in?

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* 5. First Name:

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* 6. Last Name:

Question Title

* 7. Your email:

Question Title

* 9. Were you the site coordinator for this residency project?

Question Title

* 11. How many core groups were involved in this residency?

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* 12. How many students were served in the core groups?

Question Title

* 13. What was the total number of individuals served? (students, teachers, parents, etc...)