Untitled Survey
Are you looking to invest in Real Estate?
Still deciding
Do you have experience investing in Real Estate?
I have no experience
I have very little experience
I have some experience
I have significant experience
What type of investment do you have experience with?
Check all that apply
I have rental properties
I buy properties that need cosmetic updates and flip them
I buy multifamily with appropriate cap rate
I buy teardowns and build new
I do both major and minor renovations
I will look at anything that ”makes sense” financially
Other (please specify)
Tell us what you are currently looking to invest in?
Check all that apply
Distressed Properties
Properties that are in foreclosure
Multi-family properties
Mixed use properties
Tired properties
Commercial properties
Tear down Properties
Other (please specify)
Are there any “must haves” as we search for properties for you?
Is there anything else that we should know?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered