The general community places its trust in the health system to safeguard health information. Is the healthcare sector doing enough to protect health information and the security of their systems?

We seek to understand the current state of awareness and processes in cybersecurity across the Australian health sector.  The data from this survey will be compared to the 2017 survey report to evaluate what has changed, what has improved and what is yet to be done to safeguard health information.  You can access the report (published in 2018) at this link.

Who should participate?
* If you work in the health sector, we want to hear from you
* If you have a decision-making role in managing risk (including Board), we want to hear from you
* If you know very little about cybersecurity or if you are the cybersecurity guru in your organisation, we want to hear from you (to be fair, there are more questions for the gurus :-)
Why participate?
* Gain insight into how your organisation’s cybersecurity processes compare to your peers and the 2017 security snapshot
* Gain insight into how the cybersecurity landscape has matured in the Australian health sector over the past 4 years
* Guide the activities of the Cybersecurity Community of Practice (CoP) over the next 12 months. For more information about the Cybersecurity CoP and how you can get involved please visit AIDH      

It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the survey (for the cybersecurity gurus/those who are responsible for managing risk - allow up to 25mins).

AIDH would like to acknowledge and thank 3M for their support of this survey. 

Thank you in advance for your input. Please be assured that all responses will be treated confidentially and only aggregated results will be shared and presented publicly. T
he final report will be published by AIDH.

7% of survey complete.