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Our feedback platform allows parties and counsel to share their feedback about arbitrators, either online in this survey or in an interview. 
By collecting feedback independently, globally, and systematically, Arbitrator Intelligence can make valuable feedback about arbitrators' decision making available in easy-to-use Reports. 
The more detailed your feedback, the more helpful. However, most questions are optional. We count on your integrity and best professional judgment in answering questions.
The entire process should not take longer than 15 minutes.
In accordance with Arbitrator Intelligence's core values and policies:
  • Arbitrator Intelligence does not request any confidential or identifying information about parties or the underlying factual or legal merits of the dispute when collecting feedback.
  • The identity of individuals who provide feedback is never revealed to arbitrators or anyone else outside of Arbitrator Intelligence.
  • Arbitrator Intelligence reviews all feedback to ensure quality control and that feedback is consistent with its editorial policies.
  • Arbitrators are invited to review and are able to object to their Reports.
If you need technical assistance, please contact us at 
Arbitrator Intelligence Inc.
Copyright © 2022

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* REGISTRATION: Please provide below your name and professional email address. This information is provided for quality control purposes only. Your identity will never be revealed, either to arbitrators or anyone else outside of Arbitrator Intelligence, or associated with your responses. 

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* Are you or your employer a Member of Arbitrator Intelligence?