Give us your views on the rent review.

    This is the time of year where Atrium Homes needs to plan its budgets for the next financial year, starting in April 2025 and as a key part of that, we are starting our consultation with tenants on what level of rent is set . The law requires us to do this every year.
    As you know, Atrium Homes is a registered charity. We exist to provide good quality homes at affordable rents. We will always do our best to keep your rents as low as possible.
    Atrium Homes faces the same cost pressures as you, including the impact of inflation, so we need to find the right balance between rent affordability and the need to maintain our services and continue investing in your homes through our major investment programme, Homes Fit For 21st Century Living Standards.
    Our Board members have carefully considered all the issues before starting this consultation exercise, which is based on a proposal to increase rents by 3.5% for 2025/26.
    We would really value and welcome your feedback.

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    * 1. Please complete your contact details

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    * 2. Please tick the following box if you consent to Atrium Homes updating your personal contact information and using it for purposes relating to your tenancy.

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    * 3. Please confirm whether you support the proposed rent increase below:

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    * 4. If you do not support the proposed rent increase please outline which areas of service you would like Atrium to consider reducing or removing:
