Membership Criteria
Partner Membership may be granted to individual employees of companies or organizations that provide products or services to pools or that wish to support AGRiP.
Partner members receive access to AGRiP’s members only communications, directory, and the member rate to our conference events. Partner members also have access to our online member directories as a search tool.

Question Title

* Contact information

Question Title

* Preferred Prefix

Question Title

* Online/Social Media:

Question Title

* Please check the services you provide to governmental risk pools.

Annual Amount Due: $750 per person

AGRiP membership runs on a calendar year basis and Partner applications are processed in Jan. or July only. Once your application has been accepted, an invoice will be forwarded for payment for the full calendar year or prorated for a half-year.

Thank you for your participation in AGRiP.

Privacy notice and data we collect: The Partner member listed on this application will receive emailed communication from AGRiP including, but not limited to, newsletters, information of timely interest, and information about upcoming events. Individuals may opt out of these emails at any time. Members may be contacted to verify that the data collected on this application is still current.