Honorary Lifetime Associate Membership is a way to keep long-time pooling people connected to the industry.

An Honorary Lifetime Associate can register at the member rate for AGRiP conferences and will receive general AGRiP communications.

Eligibility for Honorary Lifetime Membership in AGRiP
  1. Not currently an employee of a pool or service provider who is otherwise eligible for AGRiP membership
  2. Nominated by someone from an AGRiP member pool.
  3. Nomination is supported by three additional people in the public entity pooling industry. 
Criteria to become an Honorary Lifetime Member of AGRiP
  1. Worked at least ten  years as an employee or contract provider to a pool eligible for AGRiP regular or affiliate membership. This includes an employee of a QEI Patron who has worked ten or more years for one or more service providers in the pooling industry.
  2. Provided great service to the pooling community and/or to AGRiP as documented in nomination materials.
  3. Complete nomination materials as outlined.
  4. Approval by the AGRiP Board of Directors.
Applications are accepted at any time. Contact info@agrip.org with any questions.