This proxy is for use at the Annual Meeting of Members of THE CANADIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE/LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DU CANADA (the “Corporation”) to be held on Friday, October 18, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront located at 1919 Upper Water Street, Halifax, NS B3J 3J5 (the “Meeting”) or any adjournments thereof.

An Organizational Member of the Corporation (“Organizational Member”) desiring to appoint another Organizational Member (i.e. a chamber of commerce/board of trade that is a member of the Corporation) (the “Proxyholder”) to attend, act and vote on its behalf at the Meeting may do so, either by:
  1. inserting the name of the Proxyholder in the blank space provided below and submitting the completed and signed proxy to the Corporation; OR
  2. leaving the name of the Proxyholder blank and submitting the completed and signed proxy to the Corporation, who will find a Proxyholder for you.
Please submit this form by 11:30 a.m. ADT on October 17, 2024.

Question Title

* The undersigned Organizational Member acknowledges that a representative of the Proxyholder or the Replacement Proxyholder (as defined below), as applicable, will attend the Meeting to vote on its behalf.

The undersigned Organizational Member hereby appoints the following Organizational Member as Proxyholder for and on behalf of the undersigned to attend the Meeting and at any adjournments thereof, to act for and on behalf of and to vote the membership of the undersigned and to cast the vote the undersigned would be entitled to cast if present at the Meeting with respect to the matters specified below. The Proxyholder may, in its discretion, appoint another Organizational Member as a replacement proxyholder to perform the duties and obligations of the Proxyholder (a “Replacement Proxyholder”).


I direct my proxy to vote as follows:

Question Title

* 1. Be it resolved that the slate of nominees to the Corporation’s Board of Directors is hereby approved as presented to the members.

Question Title

* 2. Be it resolved that KPMG is hereby appointed the public accountant of the Corporation, holding office until the next Annual Meeting of Members.

  1. If your representative is unable to attend the Annual Meeting, please date and sign this proxy and return the completed proxy in accordance with the instructions below.
  2. This proxy, when properly executed, confers discretionary authority with respect to amendments or variations to matters identified in the accompanying notice of meeting, and to other matters that may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof. Management knows of no such other matters at this time. The membership represented by this proxy will be voted or withheld from voting in accordance with the instructions of the member on any ballot that may be conducted. If the member specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, the membership shall be voted accordingly. If no choice is specified and this proxy is signed, the Proxyholder or Replacement Proxyholder, as applicable, may vote the membership represented by this proxy in its discretion on all items.
  3. This proxy must be executed by an authorized signatory for the undersigned or an attorney thereof duly authorized. A person signing as an authorized signatory or attorney must print their name below and evidence of authority to sign on behalf of the member may be requested by the Corporation.
  4. You may either (a) appoint an Organizational Member (i.e. a municipal chamber of commerce/board of trade) as Proxyholder directly, or (b) if you have not identified an Organizational Member to vote on your behalf as a Proxyholder, authorize the Corporation to find and select a Proxyholder on your behalf by leaving the appointment of a Proxyholder blank. Please note that your Proxyholder may in its discretion appoint a Replacement Proxyholder to attend the Annual Meeting and at any adjournments thereof, to act for and on behalf of and to vote the membership of the undersigned and to cast the vote the undersigned would be entitled to cast if present at the Annual Meeting.
  5. To be effective, this proxy must be submitted to the Corporation on or before 11:30 a.m. MT on the last business day (October 12, 2023) preceding the day of the Annual Meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof at which the proxy is to be used.

Question Title

* The undersigned hereby revokes any proxy previously given.