AFT Racial Issues Survey

1.Racism is a problem in the SDCCD/GCCCD community.
2.I would recommend my institution as a supportive work environment for people of color.
3.I feel as though my colleagues at my institution treat me respectfully regarding my race/ethnicity.
4.I feel as though my superiors at my institution treat me respectfully regarding my race/ethnicity.
5.I feel like the employees at my institution represent the racial demographics of the student population it serves.
6.I feel that my institution should recruit and hire more people of color.
7.I feel that I need to suppress various aspects of my racial/ethnic culture (i.e. language, appearance, and ways of interacting) to be able to “fit in” to the culture at my institution.
8.I feel comfortable openly expressing my disfavor with racist jokes, microaggressions, or inappropriate statements made by others at my institution.
9.I have been expected to speak on behalf of all of the members of my race/ethnic origin at my institution.
10.All employees should be required to complete at least one workshop on understanding and dismantling systemic racism at our institution.
11.In general, I feel confident that my institution will respond appropriately if I report on racial harassment, or if discrimination was made.
12.In case(s) when I have reported an incident of racial harassment or discrimination I feel my institution has responded appropriately
13.I have found the workshops and professional development opportunities about race/ethnicity offered at my institution to be informative and worthwhile.
14.To what extent do you feel the campus community at your institution is welcoming to people of color?
15.How important is it for you to participate in groups/activities and multicultural events that reflect your ethnic/racial background.
16.In the past five years, I have served on a committee that included more than one person of color:
17.I feel that the number of people of color in leadership/administrative positions at my institution should:
18.Have you considered leaving this institution for any of the following reasons? (Please check all that apply.)
Use the following scale for questions 19-31:
A.     Yes and I always reported them (it)
B.     Yes and I sometimes reported them (it)
C.     Yes but I never reported them (it)
D.     No

I have experienced the following at my institution:
19.Been called names, insulted, or verbally assaulted because of my race/ethnic origin
20.Been put down intellectually because of my race/ethnic origin
21.Been excluded from a social event or activity because of my race/ethnic origin
22.Received insulting or anonymous phone calls, letters, notes, or e-mail because of my race/ethnic origin
23.Been subjected to hostile stares because of my race/ethnic origin
24.Been physically threatened or attacked because of my race/ethnic origin
25.Been ignored after expressing my ideas or sharing my comments because of my race/ethnic origin
26.Been followed or stopped by campus police/security because of my race/ethnic origin
27.Been harassed or discriminated against because of my foreign accent or for speaking a language other than English.
28.Been excluded from a faculty or staff committee because of my race/ethnic origin.
29.Been excluded from a reassigned time or promotional opportunity because of my race/ethnic origin.
30.Been in a situation where a member of my campus community has embarrassed, patronized or treated me negatively because of my race/ethnic origin.
31.If I were to experience racial harassment or discrimination at my institution, I would feel most comfortable reporting it to
32.In the following spaces, I have had opportunities to openly discuss racial/ethnic issues, as they have come up in: Choose all that apply. 
Personal Information

Reminder:  Your responses are confidential. Information in this section will only be used for data analysis purposes.  Individual results will never be reported; only group responses will be reported in such a manner that specific responses will never be identifiable.
33.Please select or state your gender pronoun(s). Select all that apply.
34.What is your age?
35.My role is
36.The majority of my assignment is located at:
37.Check all that apply. I identify as:
38.Please provide any additional comments that you have on how racial-ethnic issues impact your work experiences on your campus in the box below.
39.Please provide any additional comments you have regarding the racial climate on your campus in the box below.
40.Please provide any additional comments that you would like to share.