
Dear Members of the Board,

In accordance with good governance practice, and in accordance with the Board's decision, it is incumbent for Members of the Board of AFIDA to undertake a periodic self-assessment of its effectiveness. To this end, as a Director of the Board over the 2023-24 period, you are requested to complete the Self Evaluation below.

The responses provided are given on an anonymous basis and are treated with the strictest confidentiality at all times. To the extent that you "Strongly Disagree" or "Disagree" with a particular statement, please provide a comment expanding upon your reasons for same.

Your frank feedback is important in ensuring that the results of this evaluation are best utilised in improving the effectiveness and performance of the Board.

As orientation, pursuant to the Constitution of AfIDA the function of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) is to be "... responsible for the management of the Association’s business and shall be invested with the most extensive powers with a view to the achievement of the objectives, mission statement and purpose of the Association". The Board must take into account the Objectives and the Mission interests of the Association and its enterprise, as well as those of all other stakeholders.

Section 6 of the Constitution sets out the mission of the Association:
(i) ... the voice of the private sector community and to advance the interests of the African infrastructure industry ...
(ii) ... engage ... collaboratively build capacity, establish norms ...
(iii) ... focus ... across all assets and sectors
(iv) ... championing effective change in the industry by connecting members with project development training, detailed market research and networking opportunities
(v) ... shape policies and the delivery of projects by advocacy, benchmarking and stakeholder engagement.

Additionally, in respect of AFIDA, the Board has certain duties and responsibilities delegated to them by the Members of AFIDA. These are outlined in the Constitution of the Association, the full form of which can be found at

Now, within the context of the duties and responsibilities outlined above, and as a Director, except as indicated in individual questions, you are requested to consider and respond to the questions below, on the basis that you either;
- Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, or n/a

Once you have completed the survey, please would you let Suzanne Gujadhur-Bell know of such submission by email. This is to ensure that all Directors are able to complete.

Thank you in advance.

The Following activities of the Association are important, and are effectively executed, in the furtherance of the Association's Mission and objectives of the Association as set out in its Constitution:

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* 1.1 News Letter

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* 1.2 Website and Social Media

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* 1.3 Leadership and Innovation video casts

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* 1.4 Intra-industry workshops and round-tables - eg with new-cities, mining and telecom sectors

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* 1.5 Catapult Accelerator

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* 1.6 Project Development & Finance Training

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* 1.7 Proposed - Deal rooms for longer and deeper pitch sessions with developers

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* 1.8 Proposed - conference and summit

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* 1.9 Proposed - 'Market Place' to allow for a more effective engagement between providers of goods, services and capital to developers, projects, and platforms.

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* 1.10 Proposed - Country Show-Cases - eg new FDI and energy-infra regulations in Ethiopia

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* 1.11 The EXECUTIVE effectively leads the implementation and execution of approved strategy, policy and operational planning of the Company

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* 1.12 Outsourcing some activities such as newsletters, social media, membership recruitment are effective ways of improving effectiveness of the Association.

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* 1.13 You are satisfied with your personal contribution to the formulation and execution of the above initiatives.

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* 1.14 The Board and its Members have a (non-legal) responsibility to engage in the formulation and execution of the activities of the Association, over and above the need for compliance with the Constitution and Mauritius Company Law

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* 1.15 The Board and its Members actively engage in the execution of the activities of the Association, over and above the need for compliance with the Constitution and Mauritius Company Law

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Please share any other initiatives you would like AfIDA to take-up to further the Mission and Objectives of the Association and improve the proposition to members

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33% of survey complete.